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Three Ways To Start Brick Stitch
Brick stitch is also known as Comanche or Cheyenne stitch after the native American people. It got its name from the resemblance to brick walls, as you will see in a moment.
This off-loom stitch resembles Peyote stitch, and sometimes it can be difficult to determine which is which. If you see the two next to each other, Brick stitch is looking exactly like Peyote if you hold it sideways and vice versa.
This easy and beautiful bead weaving technique is used widely around the world today, and has been used for generations by African tribes and native Americans like Comanche, Cheyenne as mentioned above. There are some indications that Brick stitch also may have been used during the Victorian ages in Europe, although it looks as if it never got as popular as woven or embroidered bead work.
There are three ways to do the base row for Brick stitch. Use the one you prefer or the one that fits best with your project. This tutorial will show you how to do them.
Are you ready to begin? OK here we go!
Method one: Single-Needle Ladder:
Thread a needle with a comfortable length of thread and wax it well if it needs waxing. With this method you work from left to right.
Step 1:
String on two beads and tie the two ends together with a knot, leaving a 5cm tail. Go back up bead number 2.
Step 2:
Add a bead (bead 3), go through bead 2 one more time and then back down through bead 3.
Step 3:
coming out bead 3, add a new bead (bead 4). Go back down through bead 3 one more time and up bead 4.
Step 4:
Continue like this until you have the length you want. Make sure you are exiting through the top of the last bead in the row.
You are now ready to start on row 2
Method two: Back Stitch:
Step 1:
Thread the needle with a comfortable length of thread and wax it well. Wrap the tail around your left forefinger a couple of times.
Since this way of starting will give you a base row that goes three beads high. the number of beads that fills the length of your first row, must be multiplied by three. So string on, let's say 12 beads.

Step 2:
Go through beads 7-9 again. Pull tight so the two stacks lie next to each other.

Step 3:
Go through beads 4-6 and pull tight so the three stacks lie next to each other. Continue in this way until all the beads are stacked like you see in the last graph.

You are now ready to start on row 2
Method Three: Double-Row Base:
Step 1:
This method is similar to Peyote stitch, and is very efficient, as you do two rows at the same time.
Thread your needle with a comfortable length and wax it well. String on three beads and go back down the first bead. Position the beads so that they form a T and tie a knot with the working thread and the tail.
Step 2:
Add one bead and go back up the right bead in the top row.
Step 3:
Add a bead and go down through the right bead in the bottom row. Continue adding beads like this until you reach the desired length.
You are now ready to start on row 2
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