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Yellow And Purple Macrame Bracelet – Part 3
Welcome to Yellow And Purple Macrame Bracelet – Part Three.
Step 23:
Left side:
a) Repeat step 7
b) Repeat step 8.
c) on every other string one B and one D. Then make a row of DHHs with string #16.
Right side:
a) Repeat step 7.
b) Repeat step 8.
c) Add on every other string one B and one D. Then make a row of DHHs with string #1.
d) Add one B one string #16 on the left side and on string #1 on the right side. Then add one E, one H, the scarab, one H and one E onto both strings. Add one B on string #16 and on the left side and on string #1 on the right side.
Step 24:
Left side: Add on string #9 one A, one D, one E, one D and one A.
Use string 9 as a knot bearer and make a row of diagonal DHHs.
Right side: Add the beads on string #8, and use it as the knot bearer as well.
Step 25:
Repeat step 23 in reverse, but do not add another scarab. |
Step 26:
Left side: a) Add As to every other of the purple strings, starting with string #1.
b) Use string #1 as knotting cord and do one row of vertical double half hitches. You do them like the DHHs only that you lead string #1 behind the other cords instead of in the front. String #1 then becomes the knotting cord, and the other strings become the knot bearers.
c) Add Ds to every other string, starting with string #2. Use string #1 as knotting cord and do another row of vertical double half hitches. Then repeat both rows one more time.
Right side: Do the same but with strings #16 and #15.
You are now at the center of the bracelet.
Left side: a) Add beads like this:
- On string #1, add one D.
- On string #3, add one B, one D and one B
- On string #6, add one B, one F and one B
- On string #8, add one A and one B. Lead the string through the E you added in step 24. Then add one B and one A.
Repeat the two rows with vertical double half hitches you did at the beginning at this step.
Left side: a) Add beads in the same order as on the left side on the following strings: #16, 14, 10 and 8. Repeat the two rows with vertical double half hitches you did at the beginning of this step.
And this is what it looks like. |
step 26:
Repeat in reversed order steps 22 to step 3.

Step 27:
Make the second part of the clasp. Cut a piece of silver wire, 16 cm long. Bend it on the middle with a pair of round nose pliers. Measure 3 cm from the bend and down and bend the wire parts out to the sides. (Right part to the left and left part to the right side) Use a hammer and flatten where the wires cross and the tip of the bend. Bend the tip on the middle. Fasten the clasp to the macramé bracelet with double half hitches. Glue the knots on the back side of the macrame bracelet and cut off the excess threads.
Use a pair of chain nose pliers and bend the wire on each side just outside of the last knot. Do the same with the other side of the clasp. Use the round nose pliers and bend the tips into a curl. Hammer them flat. Bend the clasp slightly into a curve, to lie gracefully around the wrist.
And that was it. Your macrame bracelet is done.
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