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Share Your Bead Weaving Tutorial Or Article Here

Although the bead weaving stitches are many, the ways they are used, combined and varied are uncountable. The most amazing jewelry is made by stitching beads together. New methods and patterns are created non stop. When new bead patterns are created, so are the tutorials, spreading this valuable knowledge around the world, inspiring the whole beading community into new ways of creating jewelry.

Tutorials and information about beading are of enormous value to us. They help us develop our skills. Give us inspiration and new ways of using what we already know. And the beading community is generous in its sharing.

Do you have a great tutorial or an article about bead weaving that you would like to share? You can do it right here by filling in the form below.

You can even add up to 4 photos of your work. The maximum size that can be uploaded is 800 x 600 pixels. If your photos are larger than that you will have to reduce them in size before you can upload them here. You can do that in your own graphic software like Paint, or you can use a web based program like Picknic.com. It is free and easy to use. If you bump into any difficulties send me a note from my -contact me- page, and I will try to help you through it.

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You will of course maintain your own copyright to all the information, photos and or images you submit to this site. Also make sure you add your URL, so that I can give you a link back, something that will increase traffic to your site and give greater exposure for your jewelry making business.

Your submission will be published on it's very own page on this site, with your name on it. It will be open for others to read, comment on and rate.

Make sure you read the submission guidelines before you add your content.

Thank you for your submission! I know my visitors will hugely appreciate it.

Share Your Bead Weaving Tutorial Or Article

Do you have a great bead weaving tutorial or an article about bead weaving that you would like to share? You can do it easily by filling in the form below.

Enter the title of your tutorial or article here

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